Monday, March 15, 2010

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

One of the main reasons we decided on me being a stay at home mom is all the illnesses we have incured in the past 16 months. When I took a job working at a daycare I immediatly became ill with a sinus infection and strep throat. Then I took a job at the hospital. From there I developed bronchitis, a second sinus infection, phnemonia, another run of strep throat, pink eye, stomach virus and ear infections. Right now as I am typing I have pink eye in both eyes and strep throat. My husband has had a fever and sore throat all weekend. My daughter is just getting over Roto Virus.My husband has basically had everything I have had. My daughter has had several illnesses due to either being in daycare or from contracting it from her father and I. I am amazed at the money we have spent on copayments for visits and medication. One sick visit is $20.00 and the medication is between $20.00 to $100.00 each time one of us has been sick. That is just the cost for presciption medications. This doesnt include the OTC stuff like Tylenol and Pedialyte. I am hoping to save money and our health by being at home. Has anyone else had constant illness due to work or daycare? How do you handle it? I am excited to know!

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